Friday, May 25, 2007

7 things about ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok Jemimah let's see:

1. My favorite all time meal as a kid was big butter beans, spaghetti, fried potatoes and corn bread.(yes all at the same time). Do you think that was enough carbs? Wonder if that's why I am so addicted to carbs today?

2. I dont' like goodbye's, they break my heart!

3. I can and do laugh at myself alot (along with my adult children)

4. I wish I had gone to college. Here are few things I think I would have enjoyed doing.
1. therapist 2. chef 3. attorney 4. motivational speaker 5. writer

5. I miss my mom & June(my stepdad) more than people know.

6. I think friendships between women is one of God's greatest gifts to us.

7. People who are always late and always procrastnating absolutley drive me CRAZY!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like your new post momma. jemimah was wondering what 7 things you would write about. we had no idea but after reading it, it all makes sense. we love ya.